Scared of going to the dentist?
You should be, but not because of the drill
But because what they put in your teeth
Can make you very ill
Silver mercury amalgam
Is what they like to use
A highly toxic poison
That you would never choose
If you ask about the safety
They will simply say
(With a reassuring smile)
"There's no proof either way."
Now I have to say I'm curious,
How come the 'Powers That Be'
(The Government Agency, DEFRA)
Can say: "Don't touch mercury!"
To clear a broken lightbulb
You must open the windows wide
Don't breathe it in or get it on your skin
But seal it in a bag outside
Because mercury is "Hazardous waste
And should not be put in the bin."
They say: "No amount is good for you,"
Any contact can make you sick
And workers in China are dying
Of exposure to poisonous mercury
making the lightbulbs we're buying
Mercury's a toxic timebomb
So if you've got any in your head
Go to a mercury-free dentist
Who'll put white fillings in instead!
Your smile will be much brighter
And your health much better too,
And avoid mercury lightbulbs ~
Don't let people die for you
For more info see article in The Sunday Times, May 3, 2009
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